13 April 2008

So where are we going to visit?

Okay, so we've managed to throw a few options off the table, what's left on it?

Well, there's Buenos Aires itself, of course, and we're actively looking into day trips we can make.  One place that sounds interesting is Colonia del Sacramento, located in Uruguay, just across the Rio de la Plata from Buenos Aires.  Another is Tigre, located on the delta islands at the mouth of the Plata.

First and foremost, however, we gots to find ourselves a place to stay in BsAs!  We've done some searching and have discovered that there's a lively market in apartments for short-term rent in the city.  Some of these are beautiful, modern places with high-end amenities - however, in that space, the per-night charge approaches what a decent hotel costs... so what to do?

We ultimately decided against going the apartment route.  I think it's a great alternative for 1) longer-term stays of a month or more, and/or 2) a lower-cost option.  However, our budget can accommodate $100/night or so, and we've found a wonderful hotel in San Telmo that will end up well under that number.

I've gone online at the TripAdvisor website to learn more about the Casa Bolivar and its surrounding environs.  Sounds like a great, hospitable place with enormous, cool rooms (we're staying in the "Baroque" loft, which is a "... spacious apartment decorated with an original painted ceiling, chandeliers with pendants, and window of red cedar.  46 sq meter loft with a mezzanine and 4 balconies..."  Four balconies?  Whatever - the photos look fantastic.

The San Telmo neighborhood is the bohemian heart of BsAs - funkier than the more tourist-oriented barrios of Recoleta and Palermo.  San Telmo sounds like the place every tourist wants to visit before retreating back to the more internationally-oriented neighborhoods where most hotels are located.  I think we'll enjoy staying here - it's kind of akin to our last Amsterdam visit, where our hotel was well outside the normal tourist circuit, but within easy walking distance to everything we wanted to see.  Walking may be a little less practical in Buenos Aires, particularly at night, but taxis are cheap.  We'll do our walking during the day, whether directly outside our hotel doorway or in some other quarter of the city.


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